Tomorrow I celebrate my two-year workaversary (yes it is a word!) with the International Speakers Bureau. I have to say that I am suprised I have been here this long, not that 2 years is a very long time in the grand picture but it was never my plan to still be at this company or even in this city.
My plan was to move to Portland January 2008 and start saving the world with a non-profit or something really selfless like that. God always has a bigger picture though and not that I think Dallas is a very big picture because to me its more dirty and old and get's smaller and smaller everyday but I know God has plans for me, us, Eric and I, and Bowie. I count the cat as part of the family these days.
What's happened in the last two years... well...
-I've received 5 raises
-I've worked directly with over half the people in my company
-Job title has changed twice
-I've moved buildings once
-I've moved desks 4 times
-I've grown my hair out by about 5 inches
-I gained 10 pounds then lost 22 pounds
-I got married
-I've moved houses 5 times
you consider Bowie part of the "family"?!?
oh boo, that's not just sad- it's offensive. ;)
you don't know him like i do. his fuzziness wears on you in the best of ways.
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