Will you forgive me if I start with a somewhat sad entry? It’s sad but it’s also such a powerful and amazing example of what love means and what perseverance is.
When I first moved to London for Soul Time, a 6-month church discipleship program, I was both excited and scared. Excited because I was going to get to live in London and learn under Soul Survivor how to “do church” but scared because really I didn’t know anyone and this was my first time far away from home, family and familiarity. This fear was greatly eased the first day I arrived. That evening at dinner I overheard a fellow Soul Timer ask another where she was from. Her reply was Dallas. Her name is Lauren, well it was Elizabeth back then. After Soul Time and moving back to Dallas Lauren and I stayed in touch and hung out from time-to-time. Then years went by.
I heard she had gotten married. Then I heard she had a baby and no sooner after that I heard her husband had tragically passed.
When I got married I invited Lauren to the wedding and was ecstatic to see her there. Unfortunately that weekend marked the one-year anniversary since his accident. It hit me a few days after the wedding that her being there was a big step and she must be pretty strong to be able to do that.
Then I started to read her blog and the extent of her loss and the struggles and journey she has since faced really showed me what a testimony of faith and trust in the Lord this young lady has.
I don’t think I have a point to sharing any of this besides saying that she has reminded me to be thankful for what I have today. She’s reminded me to not take anything I have, especially the ones I love, for granted. She’s reminded me that God is always in control. She’s reminded me that strength is not a muscle but an act of faith.
Thank you, Elizabeth.
In case you're wondering, the scotch tape man had enough faith to pull down a street sign. Yes, it's quit true and very well documented.
michelle... thank you for posting this. it really means so much. i'm so glad we've reconnected, though it's here and there over the years. and i'm really glad i got to be there on your wedding day.
i look forward to reading your blog. and...if you and eric want to come up on a visit to chicago, just let me know. :)
sorry i have double names. it's so confusing.
i have to be honest with you... i have everyone in my office addicted to reading your blog. you are such an awesome writer! seriously!! congrats on the move to chicago. ive only seen the o'hare airport but i've heard its such a neat city. i'll let you know when we visit. it's just a matter of time (and money!) until we do. stay in touch! i love you and you and your little man are in my prayers.
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