26 June 2008

Getting Inked

I have two wedding rings. One is my mother-in-law's former wedding ring, a gold band with 41 little diamonds nestled in it. The other ring is one that matches Eric's. Doing what James Avery does best, the ring is very descriptive and well, Jewish. It says in Hebrew Ruth 1:16-17... “Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried. The LORD do so to me, and more also, if anything but death parts you and me.” Of course that all is very condensed so to fit on a one-inch band.

Eric and I have been talking about getting something similar tattooed on us, maybe on our ring finger that would hidden under the ring. We talked about doing this on our one-year anniversary but it looks like we'll do this on his birthday in July instead. It would be his first tat and my second. Granted my first tattoo, a bell that resembles the Taco Bell symbol or a condom, is regrettable I think this will be much more meaningful. So I've decided to get it written on my foot in French, because anything in French looks pretty.

Here's how it will look: où vous allez je vais aller

Comments? Concerns? Suggestions?


Missie Rose said...

hmmm. not that i think you'll regret it, but...

i don't know. i've come to think of tattoos as something people who live in trailer parks or slam jaggermister at noon on a week day should only do.

i regret both of mine. of course, the bee more than the star because at least the star can be hidden.

the body is so beautiful; to alter it, ink it, seems like vandalizing a perfect piece of art.

as for doing it in french...well that might make sense if we had any french in us or ya'll met in france or something of that nature but french for the sake of asthetics...once again, i don't know.

why don't ya'll plant a fig tree in eric's folks back yard with a engraved capsule with that scripture inside it underneath the tree. kinda like your promise to one another and to God bringing forth life and bearing fruit for years and generations to come. much more symbolic and meaningful.

plus, i heard tattoo removal surgery is a bitch. ya know, in the event things don't work out. ;)

Michelle said...

You are horrible Missie!!!!!!!!

But I do agree with the french thing. I took french for 3 years, does that count? No. I think after our conversation last night I will look into just getting a Hebrew symbol or something. I'll wait to get it until I know for sure what I want.

Not sure if I totally agree with you about the whole trailer park thing with tats but I do think if you get one you have to get one that is tastful and most of all, hideable.

Stacy said...

Foot tattoos rock! I don't regret mine, but they do fade a little faster than they would elsewhere.

Michelle said...

I've put the tatoo on hold for the time being.