25 July 2008

Randy Pausch

Did anyone watch the TV special on Randy Pausch that aired about 2 months ago? I think Dateline carried it. Eric an I watched it and by the end of the show we were both near tears at this man's story. He was diagnosed with incurable pancreatic cancer and given 3-6 months to live. Before he was diagnosed the University he teaches at asked each Professor to do a "last lecture" series which considering the news he would find out is ironic.

One thing that really struck me about his story is that he and his wife decided not to tell their 3 young children of his illness. This morning he died at his home. I can only imagine how shocked and confused they now must be and even more so when they are old enough to realize they never knew what he was going through.

If you're in the mood for a tear jerker read on...

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