17 September 2008


I've come to this place about 10 times in the past few days and weeks and gently let my fingers glide over the keyboard as I stare blankly at the screen, thoughts empty and mind racing for something, anything, to blog about. A few things pop into my head however they disperse before materializing or are discarded as not good enough. Then I remind myself that really no one even reads this so why bother. Then I read someone else's blog and wish I had interesting stories to tell, wish I knew how to post a video, wish I could align my photos correctly on here.

Like this morning when I tried so hard to pimp my myspace page but only ended up making my font color white and invisible and the format all funky with fields overlapping. I am technologically, if that's a word, challenged. Knowing and accepting this though I still have moments where I surprise myself and am able to figure out what no one else was. Like a few weeks ago when I used my company's new logo in my email signature. That was impressive and a total accident.

Lately I've been searching for something to keep me occupied and interested. So I started selling on ebay. What a joy that has been. Now that I've literally sold pretty much everything I own and was worthy of a stranger bidding on, and now that I've searched and called every yoga store in Dallas in hopes of finding another awesome Lululemon sale, now that Eric refuses to admit he doesn't wear half the things in his closet so I can sale some of it, now that all my ebay avenues are exhausted I've turned to buying instead of selling. Buying on ebay is a very dangerous thing when you are as competitive as me. It's not a game, it's a direct withdrawl from your every diminishing bank account when you receive that invoice that "congrats, you won!" notice. I keep justifying my purchased because after all I've made how much money on ebay and sold how many of my own clothes and considering that each purchase is only about $10 or so I'm not spending a ton of money. I can tell its the beginning of an ugly addiciton.

Aside from spending more than I made on ebay, my other thing to keep me busy has been going to yoga 6-days a week. I used to do this back when I had nothing else to do and loved it. I felt great, lost some weight, my neck was doing better and not causing so much pain. I fell off that wagon about a year ago when my schedule got busier and there was another person's schedule to consider. In my yoga-like-haste I must have done a post wrong because there's been this pain in my right shoulder and neck for the past week. It was so bad I even left work early one day. Now that I've emptied my bank account and injured my neck I'm searching for something else to keep me occupied. I'm thinking about picking up knitting again or maybe finishing the 5 or so books I've started and never looked at again.

Now I have people calling me so I have to go. I guess its only fair. After all, I am at work.


Anonymous said...

I read your Blog!

~ Erin "Blog-Stalker" Sullivan

Michelle said...

Yeah!!! Thanks, friend. I have such an uniteresting life these days though that I am totally unispired and void of exciting things to write about. I think if I learn how to surf it will help. That just may be my newest thing. How are you!???